Mouse paint is a fun and imaginative take on how the primary colors (red, yellow, and blue), when mixed together, create the secondary colors (purple, green, and orange.)

In this creative concept book, we are introduced to three mice on a white piece of paper on one page and a cat staring them down on the opposite page. Luckily, the mice are also white and blend into the paper that hides them from the cat.

Sometime after their run-in with the cat, the mice stumble upon three mouse sized jars: one red, one yellow, and one blue. They thought the jars were “mouse paint.” The mice take no time before climbing into the jars, one mouse per jar. Each mouse is no longer white, but instead one is red, one is yellow, and the other is blue.

As the mice walk over the paper they leave puddles of paint. The mice think the puddles look like a lot of fun and they take turns splashing in the paint puddles. Each time the mice splash in a puddle they accidentally discover a new color.

This book is a timeless and classic children’s concept book. Ellen Stoll Walsh does a nice job of blending this simple tale of mice playing and color combinations. She provides simple context for the young reader to follow to discover how new colors are discovered.

Like most concept books, there isn’t really a story to speak of. The “characters” simply exist to provide context as to why and how the colors are being mixed together. If you are coming into this book with the expectation of a story I would suggest going elsewhere. If you are simply looking for a concept book with a cute context or backdrop to help your kids to understand the concept being taught, then I would recommend this book.

This book is best recommended for very young readers between the ages of 2 and 5. Readers older than five may find this book too childish.

Be sure to grab a copy of this classic to have on your shelves today.

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