I Wonder is the book you get when you cross an award-winning author, K.A. Holt, and an award-winning illustrator, Kenard Pak.

This book is the collection of every strange, yet thought provoking question, or every out-of-nowhere statement your child has ever uttered. The kinds of questions you don’t even know where to begin on how to answer. “Do tires get tired?” or “Why don’t shadows smile when you smile?” or “Do bubbles tickle everything they touch?”

Or the kinds of comments that seemed to have been thought up by an alien visiting Earth for the first time. “I wonder if boy ladybugs are called boybugs.” or “I wonder if shoes feel sad when they don’t fit me anymore.” or “I wonder if sandwiches get made when you bite them.”

I Wonder is a fun read with amazing artwork. It is a truly gorgeous picture book. While this is not strictly a concept book by definition, it seeks to explain to children how to think about the world around them rather than to explain a concrete concept like shapes like a traditional concept book does. I would classify I Wonder as a level two type concept book/picture book, if such a level exists.

K.A. Holt provides a bevy of the silliest statements and questions you’ve ever heard (that is unless you have a young child or work at an elementary school). She does a wonderful job of capturing the inquisitiveness of a young child, and offering a glimpse into how kids see and interact with the world.

Kenard Pak provides perfectly complementary illustrations to Holt’s wacky questions and comments. His unique blend of watercolor and pencil/pen is stunning work to be admired. Each page is a masterpiece by an expert artist.

Nothing better sums up how this book will leave the reader than the question on the back cover, “What do you wonder about, when you look at the world?”

This book is best recommended for children between the ages of 3 and 7.

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